
Hong Min


Female, master’s supervisor

Lecturer E-mail:hongmin@hust.edu.cn


higher education policy, internationalization of higher education, higher education

Education Background

Doctor of Philosophy, University of Queensland, Australia. 10/2014 - 09/2018

Visiting Scholar, University of Exeter, UK. 01/2018 - 02/2018

Master (Education), Fudan University, China. 09/2011 - 06/2014

Bachelor (Politics and Administration), Wuhan University, China. 09/2007 - 06/2011

Double Bachelor (Economics), Wuhan University, China. 09/2008 - 06/2010

Work Experience

Lecturer, School of Education, Huazhong University of Science & Technology

N V Varghese Prize for Comparative Education (2018);

Australian Government International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (2014.10-2018.3);

University of Queensland Candidate Travel Award (2017);


N V Varghese Prize for Comparative Education (2018);

Australian Government International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (2014.10-2018.3);

University of Queensland Candidate Travel Award (2017);

Journal papers

1. Hong, M. (2018). A comparative study of the internationalization of higher education policy in Australia and China (2008–2015). Studies in Higher Education, 1-12. (SSCI)

2. Hong, M. (2018). Public university governance in China and Australia: a comparative study. Higher Education, 76(4), 717-733 (SSCI)

3.洪敏, &刘承功. (2013).从U21排行榜看中国高等教育强国之路.复旦教育论坛, 11(5), 69-73.(CSSCI)

4.洪敏, &吴云香. (2014).高等教育评价模式的比较分析.重庆高教研究, 2(1), 33-36.

5.洪敏, &熊庆年. (2013).中国高等教育在U21排行中的位置.中国高等教育评估, (1), 3-7.