HUST Won the First Prize in the 20th China University Robot Competition(ROBOCON)
Author:Liu Lunhong Edit:Liao Liangmin,Wu Yangtian       Release time:Aug 20, 2021       click:

From July 29 to 31, the national finals of the 20th “China University Robot Competition (ROBOCON)” was held in Zoucheng City, Shandong Province. The competition set up two events, which attracted more than 2000 contestants of 106 teams from 79 universities. HUST-ROBOCON team, ranking among the top 8 teams, won a national first prize in one event, and won a national second prize in the other event.

Since the release of the competition theme last September, the competition has been highly valued and strongly supported by many departments of the university, such as the Teaching Affairs Office, the Youth League Committee, School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, and Qiming College of HUST. Also, the team has been patiently and carefully guided by teachers of MSE, such as Prof. Tao Bo, Associate Prof. Zhao Xingwei, Lecturer Liu lunhong and Lecturer Li Xiqiu. During the ten-months’ preparation, the team actively organized analysis meetings, and repeatedly practiced for improvement. The team always adhered to the belief that only by hard-working and down-to-earth actions can they make great achievement at last.

The China University Robot Competition began in 2002 and is held once a year. Its themes and rules are formulated and published by the host countries of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (AB). Participants need to prepare for the competition with a comprehensive knowledge of mechanics, electronics, control and computer, enabling the robots to complete the task set by rules. The teams that win the national finals will, on behalf of China, participate in the Asia-Pacific University Robot Competition (ABU ROBOCON) hosted by ABU. By integrating the resources of universities, media, enterprises and the government, the competition has become the most technically challenging and influential robot competition in China, cultivating a large number of outstanding entrepreneurs and engineers for China’s robot industry and related scientific and technological fields, and has made a positive contribution to robot-related education.


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