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来源: 时间:2020-12-24 点击量:




王绍光,18luck新利电竞 国家治理研究院特聘研究员,香港中文大学荣休讲座教授。他于1982年获北京大学法学士学位,1984年获美国康乃尔大学政治学硕士学位,1990年获美国康乃尔大学政治学博士学位。他曾在1972-1977年任教武汉市堤角中学,1990-2000年任教美国耶鲁大学政治系,1999-2017年任教香港中文大学政治与公共行政系2017-2020年任教清华大学公共管理学院、苏世民书院。他已出版中英文专著与合著约40种,并在中英文刊物上发表上百篇文章,其研究兴趣包括有关民主的制度史与思想史,比较治理等。


Shaoguang Wang is  a Distinguished researcher of National Governance Research Institute of Huazhong University of science and technology and an emeritus chair professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.He studied for his LL.B. at Peking University and his Ph.D. at Cornell University. He taught at Tijiao High School in Wuhan from 1972-1977, Yale University from 1990 to 2000, the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 1999 to 2017, and Tsinghua University from 2017 to 2020. He has authored and co-authored around 40 books and more than 100 journal articles in Chinese and English. His research interests include the history of democracy, comparative governance, comparative political economy, fiscal politics, and welfare politics.

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