Selection of HUST Outstanding International Undergraduate Students of the Academic Year 2022-2023
Editor: Date:November 10, 2023 Hits:

Dear Undergraduates,

To honor outstanding international students, the university has decided to select and award HUST Outstanding International Students. The notice is hereby announced as follows:

1. Honors Open for Application

HUST Academic Excellence Award

HUST Academic Progress Award

HUST Outstanding Student Cadre

HUST Outstanding Volunteer

2. Basic Qualifications

a) HUST registered degree students;

b) Good discipline record;

c) Honest, devoted to university and friendly to China;

d) No academic misconduct

e) No violation to registration regulations;

f) No record of punishment and never undermine the university’s reputation.

3. Other Essential Qualifications

3.1 Essential Qualification for Academic Excellence Award

a) Grade 2 or above

b) Good GPA (average marks above 80);

c) Passing all the courses;

d) Good attitude toward study and Strong learning ability and research spirit;

3.2 Essential Qualification for Academic Progress Award

a) Grade 2 or above

b) Good attitude toward study or it is turning significantly better

c) Significant improvement in class ranking;

3.3 Essential Qualification for Outstanding Student Cadre

a) Studying hard; good academic performances; ranking the top 40% in class;

b) Actively Serve other students; excellent with organization, execution and leadership skills; strong sense of team honor;

c) Serve as the student organization leader /School or ISO assistant for over one year.

3.4 Essential Qualification for Outstanding Volunteer

a) Actively participate in public benefit activities organized by school or other relevant units for a year or above;

b) A spirit of dedication and not worrying about personal gains and losses.

4. Selection Procedure

a) Student log on “” and submit personal application before November 14, 2023.

b) Departments shall log on to review students` application before November 14, 2023.

CISO will organize final review and submit the result to the University for approval.

5. Results

The list of nominees will be announced at the website of School of International Education ( and certificates will be awarded to winners.

6. Important Matters to Follow

Applicants must submit supporting materials as required. If the student does not submit application as it required, or submit incorrect and false information, the application shall be considered as invalid.

Attachment:  The guideline for online application.pdf

School of International Education, HUST

关于评选表彰18luck新利电竞 2022-2023学年国际学生(本科生)先进个人的通知


为树立国际学生先进典型,促进国际学生全面发展,依据《18luck新利电竞 国际学生(本科生)先进个人评选办法》(校外〔2021〕17号)的要求,学校拟对部分学习成绩优异以及综合素质较高的本科国际学生进行表彰和奖励。现将有关评选表彰事宜通知如下:


1. 学习优秀奖;

2. 学习进步奖;

3. 优秀学生干部;

4. 优秀志愿者。



1. 严格遵守中国的法律法规和学校的各项规章制度;

2. 明礼诚信,积极向上,具有团队协作精神;

3. 勤奋学习,学风端正,成绩优良;

4. 每学期按时缴纳学费并完成HUB注册,无过往签证过期纪录;

5. 未受到过任何处分。


1. 获得学习优秀奖荣誉称号的必须同时符合以下条件:

a) 在校普通全日制二年级及以上本科国际学生;

b) 学习态度认真,有较强的学习能力和钻研精神;



2. 获得学习进步奖的必须同时符合以下条件:

a) 在校普通全日制二年级及以上本科国际学生;

b) 学习态度认真,或明显转好;


3. 获得优秀学生干部荣誉称号的必须同时符合以下条件

a) 学习刻苦,成绩良好,学习成绩专业排名达本专业班级排名前40%

b) 积极为班级服务,有较强的领导力、执行力和组织力;



a) 每学期参加不少于20个小时的义务工作;

b) 积极热情地做好所承担的社会义务工作,有奉献精神,不怕困难,任劳任怨,不计较个人得失。


1. 学生申请:学生应于2023年11月14日前登录国际学生在线申请与服务系统提交个人申请。

2. 院系推荐:院系应于2023年11月14日前登录国际学生招生与管理服务系统,审核学生申请并相应给出评审意见。

3. 国际教育学院将按照文件规定组织专家评审并报学校审批。



六、 注意事项


18luck新利电竞 国际教育学院


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