2022 Application Guide for Student Exchange Programs
Editor: Date:January 6, 2022 Hits:


a) Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens with valid passports.

b) The home university of Applicant should have signed student exchange agreements (still valid) with HUST.

c) Applicant should be recommended by the home university and in the nomination list before application.



The study duration for student exchange programs should be in accordance with the nomination letter issued by the home university and the signed student exchange agreements.


III. Application and Admission Procedures

Application Period: January 5 to June 15, 2022.

Step 1.

Log in to the online application system at http://admission.hust.edu.cn/.

Step 2.

Choose a program, upload the required documents, and submit your application.



  • The documents uploaded should be clear, complete, true, and valid. Incomplete or false applications will be rejected.

  • Please check the status of your admission process and the admission package tracking number through the International Students Application System or emails.


IV. Documents Needed for Application

1. Passport.

2. Academic Certificate: official document of enrollment issued by the current school. Academic documents issued in the third language should be translated in Chinese or English editions.

3. Transcripts: Academic documents issued in the third language should be translated in Chinese or English editions.

4. Physical Examination Form (please download the attached file below). During the epidemic, overseas applications can replace this document with a personal commitment letter (please download the attached file below), and provide official document before entering China. Applicants in China can upload personal health certificate or residence permit instead.

5. Certificate of Non-criminal Record. A certificate issued by the police station or law enforcement agency certifying that you have no previous criminal record. During the epidemic, overseas applications can replace this document with a personal commitment letter (please download the attached file below), and provide official document before entering China.

6. CV: Including educational background, work experience, and publication list if available.

7. Study Plan/Research Proposal

8. Nomination Letter issued by the home university

9. Language Proficiency Certificate:

  1. English Medium:

TOEFL 80 or above;

IELTS 5.5 or above;

TOEFL Essentials, Duolingo and other widely recognized English certificates are accepted;

Or the previous degree was instructed in English or other certificates of the same proficiency level which are accepted by HUST;

  1. Chinese Medium:

HSK 4 score 180 or above for programs of Science, Engineering and Medicine;

HSK 5 score 180 or above for programs of Economics, Management, Literature, Education, Philosophy, Arts and Law.

Or the previous degree was instructed in Chinese.



a) The application fee for exchange students nominated by partner universities will be waived.

b) Tuition fee, and others will be conducted according to student exchange agreements.


VI. Contact:

Ms. YAN Wei (Vivian),

E-mail: vivianyan@hust.edu.cn



2022年18luck新利电竞 校际交流项目招生简章



1. 申请者应为持有有效护照的非中国籍人士。

2. 申请者所在学校须与我校签署校际交流协议(有效期内)。

3. 申请者须在申请前获得所在学校提名。








登录18luck新利电竞 国际学生招生与管理服务系统






  • 上传的文件应清晰、完整、真实、有效,否则将不予受理。

  • 在申请过程,建议密切关注系统申请状态及电子邮件状态。


1. 个人护照

2. 学习证明:学生就读高校出具在读证明。中文和英文以外的文本须附中文或英文译文。

3. 成绩单:中英文以外文本须附中文或英文译文。

4. 外国人体格检查表:请下载文末附件。疫情期间境外无法入境的申请人可用个人承诺书(请下载文末附件)替代,在入境前补交正式体检表;中国境内的申请人可上传个人健康证明或居留许可;

5. 无犯罪记录证明:由公安机关或执法机构签发的无犯罪记录证明。疫情期间境外无法入境的申请人可用个人承诺书(请下载文末附件)替代,在入境前补交正式无犯罪记录;

6. 简历:教育背景,工作经历,论文发表情况(如有)。

7. 学习计划/研究方案

8. 由派出学校出具的提名信

9. 语言能力证明

  • 申请英文授课项目者,需提交相应英语水平证明:

    - 托福80及以上,雅思5.5及以上;

    - 托福Essentials、多邻国等其它被广泛认可的英语能力证明;

    - 英语为母语/官方语言,或前置学历学位教育为英语的证明材料,或我校认可的其他语言证书。


  • 申请汉语授课项目者,需提交汉语水平考试HSK相应等级证明:

  • 申请理学、工学、医学等学科专业,需提供HSK 4180分及以上证书;

    - 申请经济学、管理学、文学、教育学、哲学、艺术、法学等学科专业,需提供HSK 5180分及以上证书;

    - 或前置学历学位教育为汉语,无需提供汉语水平证明。


    1. 对于已获得所在学校提名的申请者免收申请费。

    2. 学费、住宿费等根据合作协议中的相关条款执行。





 Health Commitment.pdf

 Non-Criminal Record Commitment.pdf

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