Notice on Schooling Period Extension Application
Editor: Date:April 1, 2020 Hits:




一、 申请对象


二、 申请流程






1. 申请延长学习期限的截止日期2020415日,逾期提交,将不予受理

2. 经学校审批通过并按时缴纳学费或获得奖学金资助的学生,方可取得在华居留许可、继续在校学习,否则,学生应在居留许可规定时间内离华。

3. 中国政府奖学金生申请延长奖学金资助期限的通知将于近期发布,申请学习期限延长是申请奖学金资助期限延长的前置条件,未申请学习期限延长或学习期限延长申请未被批准的中国政府奖学金生,将不具备申请延长奖学金资助期限的资格。

4. 本通知适用于国际研究生办理学习期限延长,博士生学习期限延长的获批并不意味着奖学金延长,是否具有下一学年奖学金资格,以国家留学基金委奖学金延长的审批结果为准。






Notice on Schooling Period Extension Application

To all schools and international graduate students,

In order to perfect the graduation management work of international student in 2020, to strengthen the management of international students, the notice on schooling period extension application is published as follows:

1.    Applicant

International graduate students, who can’t graduate on time within the period specified by the HUST Admission Notice for sound reasons, should apply for schooling period extension.

2.    Application Procedure

Students should finish the online application (in Smart HUST system) and upload the request letter (handwriting) as an attachment before April 15, 2020.The request letter should indicate the reason why you can not graduate on time, and introduce the academic paper publication and the progress of the graduation thesis. After the online application completed, students can check the application status in the Smart HUST system.

3. Points for attention

a. Students must finish the online application before the deadline of April 15, 2020. Late application will not be accepted.

b. Students whose application is approved by the university and tuition fees continued to pay, may continue to study in the university, get residence permit approval and enjoy other student rights. Otherwise, students shall leave China within the stipulated time of residence permit.

c. CSC scholarship students who do not apply for schooling period extension or whose application of schooling period extension has not been approved will not be eligible for the extension of CSC scholarship.

d. The notice is only about the schooling period extension, the conclusion will be determined by HUST.Notice on CSC scholarship extension application will be released soon. The scholarship extension conclusion will be determined by China Scholarship Council.

Contacts:Ms. Coco (Main campus)

Ms. Katie (Tongji campus)

Appendix: User’s Guide (online application for international students)

School of International Education

Huazhong University of Science and Technology

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